'AIRKEY' - AIRKEY - 2-Channel

Art ID:



  • AIRKEY 2 channel garage remote
  • Employs sophisticated code hopping technology and an encryption algorithm to achieve an extremely high level of security
  • Code hopping is a method by which the code transmitted from a transmitter to a receiver is different every time a button is pushed
  • This method, coupled with a transmission length of 69 bits, virtually eliminates the use of code grabbing or code scanning
  • Controls up to two different doors
  • Suitable for pocket or key chain


  • Number of Buttons: 2
  • Colour: Black body & black buttons
  • Suits: AIRKEY Garage Door Opener D7 - P34
  • Not Compatible with Receivers labeled AGM or PDS
  • Frequency: 433Mhz
  • Battery Type: Coin Battery (CR2032)
This is a BSC Certified Remote (BSC = Battery Safety Compliant)
 BATTERY WARNING & INFO. COMPLIANCE: Packaging & instructions contains compliant consumer warnings & information.

 BATTERY SECURITY COMPLIANCE: This product has been verified Compliant from the manufacturer/supplier. 
For more information on Coin Battery Standards Click here

WARNING! KEEP BATTERIES OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. If swallowed, a lithium battery can cause severe or fatal injuries within 2 hours.

If you think batteries may have been swallowed or placed inside any part of the body, call the 24-hour Australian Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26 for fast, expert advice and seek immediate medical attention. If your child is having difficulty breathing call 000 immediately for emergency services.

Dispose of used Coin batteries immediately and safely. A battery can still be dangerous even when it can no longer operate the device. Place sticky tape around both sides of the Coin battery and dispose of it immediately out of reach of children, in an outside bin or recycle safely.